The Pragmatic Craftsman :: Simplicity from complexity : by Stanley Kubasek ::

Global Browser Stats for January 2004

Courtesy of, which logs about half a million unique visitors per hour, the below are the latest compiled stats on JavaScript penetration, browser popularity and more.

JavaScript 1.2+ is active in 94% of all browsers. Only 4% have no JavaScript capability.

Java is enabled in 93%+ of browsers.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.1+ has a 74% market share.

Microsoft Internet Explorer follows with 17%.

Mozilla has a 1% penetration rate. (This is up from .4% a year ago. I think Mozilla share will rise in the upcoming years.)

Netscape 5.x and Opera both also have a 1% share.

Thursday and Friday are the most popular surfing days. (Hmm, interesting.)

A screen resolution of 1024×768 is used on 49% of all computer systems.

The 800×600 resolution is used on 37% of all systems.

A resolution of 1280×1024 is used on 6% of all computer systems.

A resolution of 1152×864 is used by 3% of users.

The 640×480 screen resolution is at 1%.

[Excerpt from Newsletter]

One Response to “Global Browser Stats for January 2004”

  1. rob says:

    mozilla sucks, give it up.

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