The Pragmatic Craftsman :: Simplicity from complexity : by Stanley Kubasek ::

Evans — Getting From Use Cases to Code

This is as good of an article on requirements as I’ve ever read. It is 20 pages long, but you should make effort to read it. The article comes from Gary Evans (very good writer) and it was published in July 2004 edition of The Rational Edge. (I have been subscribed to Rational Edge (free) e-zine for couple of months now, and it is one of the best publications that I read.)

Evans tells you how to get from a start of a project — gathering requirements — to the point where you can write code. What’s different about Evans than the other writers is that he takes you along step by step and shows you an easy example as he explains something. Very good job, Evans. So, he first tells you about use cases, and shows you how to write one. Then he goes on and takes you through a step of finding classes from the use case. Next is seeing the interaction between the classes through an UML class diagram and a sequence diagram. After that, you add attributes to it and you are almost ready to code.

Almost ready, because this was only part I of the series. The second is coming next month. But even without the second it would be quite easy to go from the diagrams to code. I really enjoyed the article. See more about the author on

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