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Learning GoF Design Patterns: References November 16th, 2010
Pro JavaScript Design Patterns July 22nd, 2009

Learning GoF Design Patterns: References

I started learning design patterns a good number of years ago. I learned a few. Probably around half. But others I just kept forgetting. Or I should say, never learned. :(

C’mon, you did not learn design patterns! :)

Knowing design patterns is important. Very important. It’s probably the best “tool” in your toolbox as the developer. Not only the Gang of Four (GoF) patterns, which are the most known, but others as well.

But learning design patterns is hard.

It’s not that the design patterns are hard, it’s the process of learning and retaining that’s hard. Why? If you don’t use it… you’ll forget it.

So a month or two ago, I decided to revisit the subject. I decided to learn the Gang of Four (GoF) patterns. Learn it in a way so I can remember. As I said, not an easy thing to do. (I guess I will really know if I learned it after a few months. :) )

There is probably only one way to really “learn” it. Use it in code. That’s when you see the context, problem, solution, etc. That’s when you really know all the details about the pattern. And most likely it will “stick” with you and you will not forget it.

If you really want to learn a pattern, use it!

If you can…

I have a few that I have used: Observer, Factory, Builder, Singleton, Facade, Strategy, Template Method, Iterator, Command… I think that’s about it.

OK, that’s less than half of the 23 GoF patterns. What happened to the others?

Blame it on my memory.

On the other hand, I don’t want to just use it because it would be cool. It has to be the right fit. And that does not happen often… But when you do see the opportunity, you should be ready!


How do you prepare? Here are some ways.

Read the GoF book several times. OK, that might work for you. For others, it probably will not.

Read multiple books. Yes, that’s probably better, but it still could not work for some of the patterns.

Read multiple books and other references at the same time. Yes, I think this is better. Much better. Why? In How To Read A Book the author explains that this is the highest level of reading, Syntopical Reading. By reading multiple authors on the same subject you have trouble understanding, in this case, it might be a particular pattern, you gain the highest level of understanding.

So that’s what I did: I started reading mutliple resources on GoF Patterns at the same time.

Of course, it would be ideal to have ALL the books available on the subject. I don’t. But I have several and that’s a big help. I also have a subscription to Safari (as part of being member), and they have a few books there as well. And of course there is the Internet, loaded with many great references.

I started with the classic GoF book. As I read a pattern, let’s say Abstract Factory, I picked up another book or looked at another website. I read a few until I really “got it.” I also looked at code samples. I read some more. Eventually, I got the “aha” moment.

I’d like to share the resources I have used and that I find valuable on the subject of the Design Patterns. Just so your learning will be, let’s say, a bit simpler. :)

It’s already taken me a long time to get to this point. So without further ado, here they are.

Design Patterns by Gamma,Helm,Johnson,Vlissides
There is a reason it’s the classic book. Start your learning from this book. The explanations, reasoning and usages are the best in this book. But it’s not an easy book to read. In fact, I think it’s hard if you’re not a C++ programmer. Still, it’s a great book.

Refactoring to Patterns by Kerievsky
I appreciate this book more now than when I first bought it. Filled with very good advice. However, it only covers a few of the GoF patterns.

Agile Software Development by Martin
My favorite book. Not on Design Patterns in specific, as it also does not cover all GoF patterns, but still worth checking out the few that it does cover.

Head First Design PatternsAvailable on Safari, this book is loved by many, not so by others (including me). But still a great book on the subject.


Wikipedia: Design Patterns
More than anything, it contains great examples.

(claims to be #1 in design patterns). Valuable resource.

Houston Design Patterns
Great resource on design patterns.

Examples of GoF Patterns
Lists places in the JDK where the patterns are implemented.


Bridge vs Strategy
If you get stuck like I did, check out this url.

Factory Method
Good examples on how to implement the pattern.

Pro JavaScript Design Patterns

Pro JavaScript Design Patterns
by Ross Harmes, Dustin Diaz
ISBN 159059908X
Date Read 6/2009

My Rating

After reading a few books on JavaScript, I wondered… I wish there was a JavaScript book on Design Patterns. I was very glad when I found this book! It’s an advanced book loaded with great content, interesting style, and practical examples.

2 in 1. Not only do you get a refresher on Design Patterns, but you get to see some advanced JavaScript. It’s a really good combination.

Design Patterns/Javascript combination. This is a design patterns/JavaScript book. That said, you will not really learn JavaScript from it. Similarly, if you want to learn Design Patterns, you are better off going somewhere else. But if you combine these two, and don’t really focus on either one, you get a nice result. That’s exactly what this book is all about: how to implement some GoF patterns in JavaScript.

Design patterns. Which ones? Not all of them, but majority. Looking at the TOC, 12 GoF patterns are covered (Singleton, Factory, Bridge, Composite, Facade, Adapter, Decorator, Flyweight, Proxy, Observer, Command, and Chain of Responsibility). Plus the authors included chapters on Interfaces, Encapsulation, Information Hiding, Inheritance, and Chaining.

Best practices. The authors focus on creating best-practices solutions. I love that. I also love the authors style of code. You get to learn several different styles of creating JavaScript objects. (Could use a bit more explanation about them, but this is not an intro book.) I like to learn from examples, and there are plenty in this book.

Heavy on code examples. Light on explanation. I said it before, the way this book is written makes it suitable for you only if you have a good grasp of JavaScript and GoF Design Patterns. But still, I found this book hard to understand at times. I lost focus a few times. I think the authors could have done a much better job in this regard. The authors briefly explain the pattern and then they give you a long example. A short explanation follows. Very brief. If you don’t understand the full example, you’re out of luck. I would like to see short snippets extracted from the full example and explained. Repeated. So you learn better. And clearer that way.

Plan to re-read. You are most likely not going to “get” this book on your first read. I plan to re-read it. I will take it as an opportunity to deepen my GoF design patterns knowledge. Sort of read two books at once. Sounds like a plan. :)

I really liked this book. Design patterns knowledge is very relevant. JavaScript is gaining popularity and getting more advanced. It’s becoming a real programming language. I am still surprised how far it has come. This book is a really good gift to both communities. I highly recommend this book. It’s just the the book I was looking for!

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