The Pragmatic Craftsman :: Simplicity from complexity : by Stanley Kubasek ::

Report: 150,000 U.S. software jobs lost last year

By Rich Seeley,

The U.S. software industry lost 150,000 jobs last year, according to the Cyberstates 2003 report released last week by the American Electronics Association (AeA). In the seven years that AeA has published its report on jobs, 2002 was the first year the software sector lost jobs. In fact, it had posted the largest gains of any high-tech sector to that point. A new trend now seems to be at work, one that programmers can only view with alarm.

If there is a bright spot in the report, it is a lessening of job losses in the software services category, which includes software publishers, custom computer programming services, computer system design and computer facilities management.

“Software services employment fell by 146,000 jobs between 2001 and 2002, compared to 2002 to 2003 where that number dropped 30,000,” said Michaela Platzer, AeA vice president of research.

In the overall high-tech industry, AeA reported that its preliminary data for 2003 indicates that “the decline in high-tech employment slowed considerably.” Another potential bright spot was high-tech R&D, which posted a gain of 7,000 jobs in 2002, according to the AeA report.

“Hopefully, we’ve turned the corner,” Platzer said.

See the whole article at here.

I think that, as the economy rebounds, so will the programming jobs. I do not believe that outsourcing is the major catapult here: it is, mainly, the dot-com effect and the slowdown in the economy.

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